My autobiography


Hello everyone, to tell you a little bit more about me I want to start by telling you that my name is Susan Loyola. I'm from the generation of 2000, I was born exactly on April 19 so there are only a few days left to turn 21, although many times I get confused and think I'll be 22. I have lived all my life in Pomaire and love it because I can enjoy all the nature that surrounds the town.

 During primary and secondary school I only studied in a school in Melipilla. I started with my university life in 2018 when i started studying Agronomy at the Antumapu campus but I was only there for 1 semester. In 2019 I started studying Geography and I think it's the best decision I've made so far. I really love the career.

 I share my life with my dad and my sister, we are the perfect trio; the three of us like the same style of music and whenever we listen to it we joke, dance, sing... they are very funny moments. With my sister we love conversations about zodiac signs and famous people, while with my dad we like to talk about capitalism and conspiracies. I also have a boyfriend with whom I have been with for almost 5 years and a cat named "cosita".

 I like plants a lot and my favorite hobby is taking care of them, watering them, fertilizing them, etc. I also love reading and watching romantic movies that I almost always end up crying with haha.

My cat and a few of my plants 

Well, I think that's about it. I hope we can all have a good semester!


  1. OMGGG, i cry a lot watching romantic movies too maybe we are just too sensitive haha what was the last movie u saw? btw i love the photo of ur cat and plants<33


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