Hello everyone!

Today I chose the website of “Geógrafas Chile”, this corresponds to a non-profit association, which brings together professional women, graduates and undergraduate geography students who, from a feminist exercise of the profession, are linked in different areas of the territory. 

The website consists of a home section where you can find general information about the association, such as who they are, their mission and vision. You can also visualize at the top some of their publications, columns and news, and towards the bottom of the page you will find their instagram posts. In the top section of the website you will find a menu with links to their projects, their repository, outreach work and a section where you can communicate with them if you want to belong to the association!

I got to know this site through instagram in its beginnings and I follow their work every time they upload new content through that social network. 

 From the first moment it caught my attention because of the feminist connotation this one had. I found it quite inspiring that Chilean women who work in geography empowered themselves and created a space that makes us visible and recognizes our work. In addition, I find the content of their publications really interesting, especially when they make great contributions from geography to such varied and contingent issues, such as environmental problems, the socio-spatial effects of the pandemic, etc. Their content is really good! 

This is the link to her blog:

And this is the link to her instagram:


  1. it´s so interesting, i´m going to visit the wep :3

  2. Hi Susan! The page looks very interesting, I think I will check it, especially because it is focused on female geographers. 💜


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